Watch this winds tutorial video to learn how to know how much air to use when playing your pan-flute. It's not the amount of air that's important, but the volume of air. This helpful how-to video wi ...
Watch this tutorial video to learn how to play "My Tribute" on your pan-flute. This instructional video features a note-by-note transcription; knowledge of the letter note of each pipe is required. ...
Watch this tutorial video to learn how to play a Dolannes melody on your pan-flute. This instructional video features a note-by-note transcription; knowledge of the letter note of each pipe is requir ...
Watch this winds tutorial video to learn how to play sharps and flats on the pan-flute by tilting your jaw. This instructional video is good for beginners and will have you playing chromatic scales w ...
Watch this winds tutorial video to learn how to play the pan-flute. This instructional video covers the tuning and some basic techniques for beginners who have never played the pan-flute before. Thi ...
Watch this winds tutorial video to learn how to hold and play the tin whistle. This video is intended for people who have never played the tin whistle before. This helpful how-to video will teach yo ...
Watch this winds tutorial video to learn how to develop your own style on the tin whistle. This instructional video is intended for intermediate tin whistlers. After you've watched this helpful how- ...
Watch this winds tutorial video to learn how to play "The Dawning of the Day" on the tin whistle and review basic hand position. This video is directed toward beginning tin whistlers. You'll be pla ...
Watch this winds tutorial video to learn how to play a common Irish hornpipe, "The Boys of Blue Hill," on the tin whistle. This instructional video is intended for intermediate whistlers who are able ...